Josefin zoekt een Kamer in Leiden

Josefin zoekt: Een Kamer in Leiden

  • Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 09 Per direct

My name is Josefin, I am a 24 year old girl from Sweden and this coming fall I will be studying at Leiden University at the faculty of law for one exchange student semester.
I have lived in student accomodation before, I was also an exchange student in the U.S during high school for one year, and lived then in a hos family.
I am very excited about coming to Leiden, to meet new friends and explore the Netherlands. I love to hang out with my friends and explore and travel. In my free time I love to sing, I sing in a choir in Sweden which I would love to do in Leiden as well. I like to read and work out at a gym too.

Algemene informatie: Josefin
  Vrouw, 26 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  4e jaars Law (UNIVERSITEIT)